Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Lyrics to a Song

Here's a little joke... a game if you will.
After hearing about a conversation my mother had, I felt
like playing a little with song titles!

Here's a little poem, I mean what I say, and say what I mean, it's
all about mom! - it was written with song titles from the bands I
enjoy the most!
I wonder if you can identify the songs and the name of the
bands! If you really know me, this should be a piece of cake!

There are 25 songs to 25 different bands - They Do Not Repeat!

Lyrics To A Song

She's my Mustang Sally,
Was born to be wild, and
Doesn't care if she starts
A blind revolution mad.

She gives me something to
Believe in, blowin' in the wind
What I've done, oh won't
She have mercy on me?

Paradise City, that's where I
Want to go, with or without you,
At sunrise, I don't care if
It's hot or cold.

Blind faith is all we got
For a killer Queen that
Can fly me to the Moon,
I'm really not the fortunate son...

Got a night fever that has
Me crazy, and still there
Are 50 ways to leave
Your lover.

In a minor heaven we met,
and you told me "give
them hell kid",
that I did!

Start Something, shout it
Out, and you'll see the
Running man, someday you'll
Be homecoming.

Forever you'll be
Day tripper, and I'll
Be standing here,
Open arms for you.

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